
July 14, 2015

Look & Live

If we are honest, we are all at times dull to God’s Word. There are seasons—perhaps days, weeks, even months—in which we lay aside the Word, leaving it to collect dust as we fail to find or feel compelling reason to open its pages. But the reasons are infinite. There is unimaginable beauty of behold, inexpressible wonder to discover. This book is the very word of God himself. The eternal, transcendent God has disclosed himself in this book. So not only should we look at this book, we must. We must gaze through the portals of its pages to behold the One in whom we live and move and have our being. We must look if we are to live.

This type of eagerness, anticipation and hope is not manufactured in the machine of duty, they are forged in the furnace of delight.

Look & Live is an invitation to pause, to slow down and really look at the text. It is not an invitation to merely check a box or complete a duty, but to approach the Word with the eagerness of a starving man offered a seat at the king's feast, with the anticipation of a child offered a glimpse of far off galaxies through a telescope, with the hope of a dying man offered new life. This type of eagerness, anticipation and hope is not manufactured in the machine of duty, they are forged in the furnace of delight. Look & Live aims to be that furnace. Beginning with Ephesians 1:1-7, reflections on various passages of Scripture will be offered that I pray will kindle the fires of desire in your heart to behold the surpassing beauty and worth of the One to whom the pages of God’s book point us—Jesus. So come. Look and live.

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